General Election

Understanding the Impact of the July 2024 General Election on Your Property Sale

With the recent announcement from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak setting the next General Election for July 4th, 2024, speculation is rampant about how this significant political event might shape the property market. Nathan Emerson, CEO of Propertymark, underscores the necessity for housing to be a pivotal issue across all political campaigns, suggesting that the stability and growth of the UK economy are deeply intertwined with housing policies that address both current insufficiencies and future demands.

1. Policy Changes and Market Sentiment:
Elections often bring uncertainty that can cause fluctuations in the property market as buyers and sellers await the outcomes and potential policy shifts. This upcoming election is expected to highlight key issues such as housing affordability, the need for innovation in building and sustainability, and comprehensive support for first-time buyers. These focal points suggest that whichever party wins could influence market dynamics significantly, particularly regarding policy reforms aimed at both the buying and renting sectors.

2. Potential for Legislative Stalls and Promises:
The pending Renters (Reform) Bill may face delays or abandonment, a situation pointed out by Oli Sherlock of Goodlord, reflecting the broader implications of election timing on ongoing legislative processes. Additionally, Stuart Forsdike of PCS Legal raises the possibility of a reduction in stamp duty and reforms in conveyancing processes to ease the financial burden on movers and streamline the transaction process, which could stimulate market activity if enacted.

3. Market Opportunities and Challenges:
Robin Rathore of Bamboo Auctions highlights that while the market faces a challenging six weeks leading up to the election, the clarity post-election could stimulate a rebound in buyer activity and overall market transactions. This suggests that the second half of the year may be particularly active, offering opportunities for both buyers to leverage less competition and sellers to engage with a more dynamic market.

Insights from Chartwell Noble’s Directors

Ross D'Aniello:
"Elections create a natural moment of pause in the property market, but they also set the stage for rapid movements post-results. At Chartwell Noble, we advise our clients to prepare early, ensuring their properties are presented at their best to capitalise on the post-election demand surge."

Stuart Bass:
"The prospect of stamp duty cuts and conveyancing reforms can be quite appealing. These changes have the potential to invigorate the market significantly. We're keeping a close eye on these developments to advise our clients accurately on the best moments to act."

George Pickard:
"With each election, there's a promise of new beginnings and, potentially, new policies that can impact the property market. Our role is to decipher these signals and guide our clients through the implications for their property decisions, ensuring they are positioned advantageously regardless of the political outcome."

What Does This Mean for You as a Seller?

Stay Informed and Flexible:
Understanding the political landscape and its potential impact on housing policies will be crucial. Keep abreast of each party's platform as they relate to housing to better anticipate how market conditions might shift and prepare for various outcomes.

Strategise with Timing:
If possible, consider the timing of putting your house on the market. The uncertainty leading up to the election might slow buyer activity, but post-election clarity could lead to a surge in demand, potentially making it a strategic time to sell.

Consult Your Estate Agents:
At Chartwell Noble, we are closely monitoring these developments. Our deep understanding of both local market conditions and broader national trends means we can provide bespoke advice, helping you decide the best time to sell based on your personal circumstances and market forecasts.

Prepare for a Swift Process:
With potential conveyancing reforms on the horizon, preparing all necessary documents and details about your property in advance can help expedite the process once the market reacts to the post-election environment.


While the General Election introduces a layer of unpredictability, it also opens doors to strategic advantages if navigated wisely. Our team at Chartwell Noble is committed to providing you with the highestlevel of service and insight, ensuring that the sale of your home is as successful and stress-free as possible, no matter the political climate.

At Chartwell Noble, we believe in the importance of preparation and strategic planning. By aligning our extensive market knowledge with real-time political and economic developments, we ensure our clients can make the most informed decisions. Whether you're looking to sell now or waiting to see how post-election policies may favor your future property dealings, we are here to support every step of the way.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the property market, one thing remains constant: our commitment to your success. Let's navigate these changes together, with confidence and expertise.